Jungle Cat
Despite their name, Jungle Cats live in grassy wetlands. They can be found in India, southern Asia and throughout tropical China and Southeast Asia as well as along Africa’s Nile River Valley. Jungle Cats were so highly regarded in ancient Egypt that they were buried in tombs and depicted hunting small birds on Egyptian wall paintings.
Tiberius came to Avalo from Nevada in 2015, when he was about four years old. His owner was not able to breed him out of concern that cataracts forming in Tiberius’ eyes might be passed on to descendants. Thankfully, Tiberius is doing well at Avalo and has minimal issues with his sight.
Our mighty Jungle Cat has an interesting eating ritual: he takes his food to the top of his house, where he patiently sits holding his dinner in his mouth until all humans have left the area.
Tiberius shares his living quarters with a Jungle Cat F1 hybrid named Simba.
Jungle Cats are very rare in the U.S., making Avalo one of the few sanctuaries to house this exotic feline.